Everything sold in increments of 12
- Cheesecake Shooters (12) (30$)
- (vanilla cheesecake cups with a gram cracker crust topped with berries)
- Banana Pudding Shooters (12) ($30)
- Chantilly Cake Cups (12) ($35)
- (almond cake soaked with strawberry simple syrup with cream cheese mascarpone icing and fresh fruit)
- Chocolate Mousse Shooters (12) (25$)
- (Fluffy Chocolate mousse)
- Mini Butter Tarts (12) (35$)
- (with a Pastry Cream filling topped with berries)
- Cakesicles (12) (48$)
- (Our take on the classic “cake pop”, all flavors are listed on the flavor menu tab)
- •Mini Lemon meringue tarts (12) (35$)
- Brownie Cups (12) (30$)
- (Flavor options- Salted Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Double Fudge, Cream Cheese)
•Mini Cupcakes 12 (30$)
•(custom flavors for an additional charge, all flavors are listed on the flavor menu tab)
•Cupcakes 12 (42$)
•(custom flavors for an additional charge, all flavors are listed on the flavor menu tab)